We talk procurement transformation with Rashen Maharaj, Group Head of Property & Procurement at Alexforbes…
Alexforbes is a diversified financial services organisation providing a broad range of employee benefits consulting (including healthcare), and investment and wealth management solutions to both corporate clients and individual customers. Its principal geographic focus is South Africa (where it has been operating since 1935), sub-Saharan Africa and the Channel Islands.
Alexforbes is listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) and its clients span both the private and public sector market segments on the institutional side, and individual members.

Rashen Maharaj, Group Head of Property & Procurement at Alexforbes, is spearheading the new procurement strategy at the organisation. Rashen is not from a procurement background, but as the function evolves into a business-enabling strategic partner, this is not an uncommon phenomenon. “You don’t have to be a specialist to lead a team, as a leader, your skills are transferable. What is key is to be able to create a vision and enable the team to deliver on the strategy for that vision.”
“Our strategy is purpose-built and is adaptable to enable the achievement of the organisation’s strategic objectives through partnership. The entire corporate stance is constantly evolving and the one thing that remains constant is change. In fact, every year that passes the pace of change becomes exponential.” Read the full story here!